Grand Canyon, USA
We invite you to a journey to Grand Canyon, one of the deepest canyon in the world. The width of the canyon ranges between 20 and 6 kilometers. However, there is one spot where it narrows down to 800 meters. As it narrows down, the walls pull closer together reaching 100 meters gap at the rock bottom.
The canyon has been in the making for 10 million years. 4 different geological eras of Earth are represented in the canyon. Underground forces pushed the Colorado River bed up, forcing the water to gradually cut into the plateau and wash out the canyon's soft rocks. We have already published photopanoramas of this most famous US tourist attraction. Now we represent you 360 video over Grand Canyon, USA.
Authors of the video: Dmitry Moiseenko, Sergey Semenov and Ivan Roslyakov
3 December 2014
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