Changes of the planet after a solar eclipse
As we know, a total solar eclipse occurred on Earth on March 20, 2015. After that we have received a lot of messages about strange phenomena noticed by different people from all over the world. They were asking to take photos of these natural phenomena and show them to visitors of our web-site.
Within 10 days AirPano team had to fulfill almost a complete journey around the world to show the changes of our planet as soon as possible. We managed to reach the shores of Rio-de-Janeiro, visit the Indian city Varanasi and the beaches of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. When we reached the Ligurian Shore we were stunned by finding the tower of Babel. What we saw moved us to the depths of our beings. So today we want to share the results of our tough work with you.
But more than that! Today we have also decided to release our first panorama shooted from space. An attentive reader will notice that we have already photographed in stratosphere, so this time we have risen much higher!
1 April 2015
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